Parents’ Bill of Rights & the Attempted Criminalization of Librarianship

Stephanie “Cole” Adams will be presenting three sessions for the Legal Landscape of Librarianship Forum February 18 – 20. Cole’s sessions are as follows:

Parents’ Bill of Rights & the Attempted Criminalization of Librarianship: How it Impacts Individuals

First Amendment and library lawyer Stephanie "Cole" Adams presents the potential ramifications of pending legislation such as the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act and efforts to criminalize librarianship. She examines how these measures affect the individual rights of parents and students, including free expression and access to information.

Parents’ Bill of Rights & the Attempted Criminalization of Librarianship: How it Impacts Employees

First Amendment and library lawyer Stephanie "Cole" Adams explains how pending legislation such as the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act and efforts to criminalize librarianship impact library staff. She discusses potential risks amid shifting boundaries of professional responsibilities and legal liabilities.

Parents’ Bill of Rights & the Attempted Criminalization of Librarianship: How it Impacts Organizations

First Amendment and library lawyer Stephanie "Cole" Adams explains how pending legislation such as the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act and efforts to criminalize librarianship impact educational institutions. She discusses policy issues, compliance challenges, and risks to institutional missions and community trust.

Cole has prepared a Table of Guidance for the sessions and for general use. It is not legal advice, and any person or organization considering the civil and criminal legal impacts of this topic should review this document and their particular circumstances with experienced legal counsel regularly practicing in their state and area.