You can just call (or email).
Sometimes you just have to call
We've all been there. You're cruising through a fancy website, but you just want to know...can this office help me, or not?!?
At the LOSA, PLLC, we use technology for efficiency...but if it's getting in your way, just call or write at any time. We're a small office, so you might need to leave a message, but we'll get back to you soon.
If your concerns are within the office's services, the bottom line is this: if you're new, it's $200.00-$400.00 for a consultation, paid up front. We'll schedule an appointment to meet in person or over the phone, and we'll probably ask you to send some paperwork in advance.
If you retain the LOSA, you'll get a letter that sets out the "scope of service" (what's being handled for you), the billing rates, the amount required to pay in advance (the "retainer"), and your rights and responsibilities as a client. We bill on a monthly basis, and work with you to find the best way to maximize the resources you expend on legal representation.
Every aspect of the process is confidential, and governed by the ethics of the legal profession.