LOSA Sessions: NFP Pandemic Response and Recovery
How does a not-for-profit board guide its organization through a national emergency and the challenges that follow? How does it unite to make the hard calls, fulfill its mission, and develop a solid plan for recovery?
The solution will be unique to every organization. But by using the tools of enterprise risk management and incident response, a board can organize itself into a high-functioning, response-and-recovery focused team, ready to find its own custom strategy.
LOSA attorney Stephanie (Cole) Adams, former in-house counsel for Niagara University, is trained in NIMS emergency response, has developed a system of not-for-profit enterprise risk management, and is an experienced advisor of not-for-profit organizations.
The team at The Law Office of Stephanie Adams, PLLC are offering results-and-action-oriented, team-building sessions to help boards change their “business as usual” structure into an ad hoc, emergency-focused system with a written plan to help charitable institutions weather the storm.
The process is simple:
A one-hour initial “Situation Meeting” with the leadership team, and a review of foundational documents and current challenges.
A customized “Crisis Response and Recovery” Plan within two days of the Situation Meeting.
A 3-hour “Implementation and Training” session for the full board, with confirmation of goals, responsibilities, and identification of challenges and solutions, based on a team approach.
This package is designed for boards and organizations currently without an emergency response plan, or needing to update or adopt an outdated plan. Organizations with a routine attorney should involve their usual legal counsel.
To inquire, please write brian@losapllc.com or directly to Stephanie Adams at adams@losapllc.com.